Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Hussars are finished

I thought I would try out the Perry Miniatures 28mm figures and bought a box of the Hussars last year for "my retirement". I posted some start up images a couple of weeks ago. Well, I have worked long and hard on these. The real pity is that the camera is a hideous revealer of blemishes because you have to enlarge the image so much when you are dealing with things this small.

In the real world, they look "quite" good, but remember that these are the first figures of this size that I have painted for 15 years - ever since I stopped painting Warhammer back in the 1990s. The last time I painted any Napoleonic figures was around 1975 so this is a real rave from the grave.

Well, here goes. I will try for some better images later.

If you dare, you can click on either image and you will see a much bigger version.

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