Tuesday, September 18, 2012

But asking for trouble!

So I sit there and go through my stash. Why can't I make my mind up? This is why I only aver used to have one kit at a time and just make that one!

I decided that I needed a challenge for my first start up (forget that I am half way through a 1/35th Valentine tank and a 1/12th Shelby Mustang car!). Sitting in the stash was one of the old SBX mistakes - kits that I bought for customers that were either cancelled or I duplicated. Normally, these would have been E-Bayed out but this one got missed as it was a very late event in the SBX story. What is this wondrous kit that I am all fired up to make? An Airfix 1/72 Douglas Dauntless - recent release but on of their, what I call, shrapnel boxes. This means that it is a latest release but a very old kit that comes in a poly back of bits of plastic that might be of some shape but with each piece noted for its flash - oh - and it must have rivets that can cut your finger if you run one along the fuselage.

Anyone who remembers the shop may remember that I had a very nice 1/48th Dauntless on my display shelf in the early days - an Accurate Miniatures kit so I do like the aeroplane and love its involvement in the Pacific war. SBD - Slow but deadly! So I am making it up as an SBD-3 from the Battle of Midway. I have even painted the pilot and gunner - mainly because without them the cockpit was just some square bits of plastic! This is where I got to last night:

Back on track

I think I am back up and running. After a few weeks settling into the new apartment and getting used to a new way of life, I now have my modelling desk in operation.

As I still had a trade account, I indulged myself when we closed SBX . I got myself a new extractor unit and a TR0 trigger revolution Iwata airbrush! This is what the desk looks like.

I think that this set up should be very conducive to sitting there modelling. As you can see, I have an extractor unit, a large cutting board, a Daylight light and two drawer units. The top unit is full of paint and Alcad - mostly Vallejo but with some special colours in Lifecolor, Xtracrylix and (avery few) Tamiya. The bottom unit is full of tools and modelling materials such as brass wire, etc. I have a separate stash of glues and masking material and a large stock of Vallejo polyurethane primers. I spent quite a lot on back up materials whilst I could still get a trade discount. For instance, my favourite glue is Plastic Weld which is a highly volatile solvent containing Dichloromethane. Sticks instantly and evaporates almost instantly so you can slosh it on the outside of a model and it never marks anything - just sticks very quickly. I now have 12 bottles! That should last me some time. Plus, things like my favourite primer - Vallejo Black Polyurethane primer - I got in boxes of 6!

I also arranged to get a Sonos 3 speaker network audio unit in the room. This is fed from a central network hub and can play different music from that coming out of the 5 speaker unit in the living room or can be grouped with it to play the same. I now have brilliant access to all of my old jazz plus Internet radio etc.  My trusty Mac Mini is close by for any check up on web information. Plus, I have my stash to work through. I should be the happiest bunny around!

Monday, September 10, 2012

My current stash and work in progress


Make Code Description Scale Quantity
Fly FLY72006 A/W Whitley Mk V - Vingtor BOAC decals Decals 1/72 1
F-Rsin Plastic FRP4033 CV-990 Garuda - Left over from SBXBX 1/144 1
Eduard ED1172 NATO Falcons - Academy F-16 + Resin etc Resin etc. 1/48 1
Eduard ED1170 P-38J over Europe - Academy P-38J + Resen etc.8J + resin etc. 1/48 1
Airfix AX04049 HS Buccaneer - FAA 1/72 1
Trumpeter TU01629 Fairey Gannet AS. Mk 1/4 - FAA 1/72 2
Trumpeter TU01630 Fairey Gannet T.Mk 2 - FAA 1/72 1
Tasca TAS24002 Pz,Kpfw.II Ausf. F -  1/24 1
Special Hobby SH72066 Fairey Firefly TT Mk.4 - FAA 1/72 1
Eduard ED7078 Grumman Hellcat Mk.I/Mk.II Combo FAAo - FAA 1/72 1
Perry Miniatures PMBH80 British Napoleonc Hussars 1808- 18151815 -  28mm 1
Special Hobby SH72036 Sikorsky HO3-S1 - FAA - Westland Wessexd Dragonfly 1/72 1
HobbyBoss HB87251 Hawker Sea Hawk FGA.6 - FAA 1/72 1
Admiral ADM7209 Supermarine Seafire F.45 - FAA 1/72 1
Ark Models ARK72032 Westland Wessex HAS Mk.1 - FAA 1/72 1
Airfix AX02022 Douglas Dauntless - Left over from SBXm SBX 1/72 1
MiniArt MT35071 British Desert Tank Riders - For Valentinealentine 1/35 1
CzechMaster Resin CMR146 Bristol Sycamore - FAA Resin 1/72 1
CzechMaster Resin CMR231 De Havilland Sea Venom - FAA Resinsin 1/72 1
EBRO EMSF1 Team Lotus 72C Gold Leaf -  1/20 1
AZ Model AZM7282 Supermarine Attacker F.1 - FAA 1/72 1

Work In Progress

Revell RV07089 2010 Shelby Mustang GT500 -  1/12 1
CzechMaster Resin CMR118 Fairey Gannet COD - FAA Resin + WingfoldWingfold 1/72 1
Alley Cat ACRK72001 Fairey Gannet AEW. Mk.3 - FAA Resinsin 1/72 1
AFV Club AF35185 Valentine Mk II -  1/35 1

Everything is in place

I have sorted out my hobby room in the new apartment. It has a dedicated modelling table. I have bought an extractor for airbrushing and I have invested in a trigger Revolution TR0 airbrush which might stop my knuckles hurting during extended spraying sessions.

Now to the problem. Those of you who know me know that I have never maintained a 'stash'. I have always bought a kit - made it - and so on. As I was about to lose my trade purchasing ability, I have stacked up on kits. Now, I look at the list and can't make my mind up what to build. I open one box after another and put them all back!

Make your mind up David!!!!

I will make a list of my stash - you will be puzzled by the variety of kits - in any case, I am - grin.