Tuesday, September 18, 2012

But asking for trouble!

So I sit there and go through my stash. Why can't I make my mind up? This is why I only aver used to have one kit at a time and just make that one!

I decided that I needed a challenge for my first start up (forget that I am half way through a 1/35th Valentine tank and a 1/12th Shelby Mustang car!). Sitting in the stash was one of the old SBX mistakes - kits that I bought for customers that were either cancelled or I duplicated. Normally, these would have been E-Bayed out but this one got missed as it was a very late event in the SBX story. What is this wondrous kit that I am all fired up to make? An Airfix 1/72 Douglas Dauntless - recent release but on of their, what I call, shrapnel boxes. This means that it is a latest release but a very old kit that comes in a poly back of bits of plastic that might be of some shape but with each piece noted for its flash - oh - and it must have rivets that can cut your finger if you run one along the fuselage.

Anyone who remembers the shop may remember that I had a very nice 1/48th Dauntless on my display shelf in the early days - an Accurate Miniatures kit so I do like the aeroplane and love its involvement in the Pacific war. SBD - Slow but deadly! So I am making it up as an SBD-3 from the Battle of Midway. I have even painted the pilot and gunner - mainly because without them the cockpit was just some square bits of plastic! This is where I got to last night:

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