Well my camera saga continues. I bought a charger from a UK web site, only to find that the charger was coming from Hong Kong, which took 10 days. When it arrived, it seems that I didn't notice the B on the end of the battery type and the B doesn't fit the standard charger. So.... I had to buy a replacement fitting, for which I paid extra to have it shipped in 3 days. It is now 8 days and no sign of it. My wife, Valerie, to make a point, bought one on Saturday for 1/2 the price with UK shipping so maybe, just maybe, I might get the visual side of this working again in a few days.
I finished the Little Moon Crow girl and took all three of the current figures to the club last Tuesday. That is the B-17 Waist Gunner, the Sioux Indian and Little Moon. As they were the only figures there, I might actually get some points. I did get some complimentary remarks.
I am now working on a Pili Pili bust of Geronimo (If Geronimo did a parachute jump, what would he shout as he left the plane?). I then have a Young Miniatures Afrika Korps bust to do, although I am a little intimidated by the complexity of the headset which is a composite of resin, etched brass and copper wire! I also need to complete the 6-wheel Tyrell, which currently has the engine mounted so is close to finishing. My next major project, I hope, is the Trumpeter 1/12 scale GT40 but this depends on my hints for Xmas presents.
My secret project is moving on well and is close to completion. When I can, I will publicise it but not until after Christmas. It has, however, been coated in the new Pledge Multi-Surface Wax - the replacement for Johnson's Klear/Future. I have to say that, in spite of the new product being cloudy (hence the change of name from klear, I guess) and having a much nicer smell, it works exactly the same as the old stuff.
My next experimental project is to get to grips with a product called Parafilm M which is a non-adhesive based film which appears to be excellent for masking.
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