Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friul Tracks

I am making the Marder and placing it on a diorama that will incorporate the maintenance crew that comes with the kit. However, I want to do it with a dropped track and I can't do that with the vinyl tracks that come with the kit. First off the dropped end won't lay properly and also the part left on the rollers won't sag as it should. So I have got a set of FriulModel white metal tracks. Now if you have never used these, what you get is a pile (210 in this case) of individual white metal track links and a roll of thin wire.

Step 1. Clear out the two holes across each track link to ensure good clearance using a 0.4mm drill. (420 operations)
Step 2. Cut a piece of wire and insert in into the holes thereby linking two track links together. (210 operations)
Step 3. Once inserted, place a dot of super glue on the end of the wire - the other end is blind so only one end needs to be secured. (210 operations)
Step 4. Cut each length of wire to length (210 operations).
I make this 1050 individual actions, assuming no fumbling, dropping etc.

Will I do this again? Maybe not!
BTW, I notice from the photo that one of the rear tarp supports on the Marder has got broken. Yet another little problem - smile.

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