Thursday, June 21, 2012

As if I need some new projects?

My friend Ken Withey has sent me two Czech Master Resin kits free - gratis - etc. Very kind of him to arrange it with the guys in Czech. One, I am looking forward to - the DH. Sea Venom. I am NOT looking forward to the Bristol Sycamore - thin rotor blades and a very big vac-form canopy - gulp!

The project I am just about to start - even though I have two already on the go and never acted like this before is the following:

There is a good, sensible reason for this. We have just laid a new laminate floor in the kitchen and I am under pain of death if I drop any paint or over-spray. I can spend a good few weeks just putting this together so I can't cause any damage until SWMBO has forgotten about the new floor - sneaky smile. This kit has loads of parts (unlike the 1/12th Mustang). It even has 3D moulded fully working suspension springs! Slide moulding is a very clever thing. W.I.P photos as I go - as I now have a working camera again! (See previous Blog entry - HERE )

1 comment:

m0gb0y74 said...

Oooh! Those CMR kits look really nice. My local aviation museum has had a Sycamore since I was a teenager over 25 years ago and I fell in love with them.

James :-)