Monday, April 16, 2012

Resin, Resin and still more resin.

I know it was April 1st the other day but this is not such a good joke. I got this kit in the post the other day from my friend Ken. He is great friends with Czechmaster resin and has got me (another!) free kit.

Oh boy, can he pick them.

This is a 1/72nd resin Bristol Sycamore. Hummm, this looks quite delicate but as I have enjoyed the last two resin kits, I am actually looking forward to making it. However, check out the next photo:

This is the pack with the instructions, decals and canopies - yes - gulp - that is a set of vacform canopies. Oh hell, here we go again.

The actual model doesn't look at all bad - in fact the mouldings are absolutely first class. I am a bit worried about the strength of the rotor blades but I will just have to be very careful.


I think that this is going to make a Gannet wing fold look easy. In the meantime, I am going to carry on with decalling and also working on my nice BIG 1/12th Shelby Mustang

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