Wednesday, August 05, 2009

I am horrified to see that the last item on my blog was dated March 2008!

I am back and modelling regularly now but am having some difficulties. It seems that I can no longer make aircraft models unless they are 1/72. Since Xmas, I have thrown away a 1/48 Tamiya Mosquito, a 1/48 Italeri Hawk and a 1/48th Eduard Il-16 Rata. All due to stupid mistakes.

Mosquito - Painted as a matt black nightfighter - the decals all silvered and looked like mirrors!
Hawk - Done in FRADU colours. I managed to misplace all of the yellow don't walk signs - which rather stood out on the gloss black finish. i then trod on the canopy - in the bin!
Il-16 - Finished in Spanish Civil War markings. When fitting the propeller, I placed my finger - with a blob of MEKPak on it - right on a decal and ruined it.

The big news is that I have finally finished my 1/35th Morser to sit behind the BR-52.

To see it in high resolution plus the Rata (from its good side!) go to

My Flickr Finished Models

Back at work from tonight on the Tyrrel. Hopefully I can get that finished soon as I have a list of models I want to get on with now.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Welcome back! Excellent job on the rail gun